Bloobing (def.) blue-bing (noun): Blogging about boobs.
ex. Jimmy asked his mommy for internet so he could bloob about his sister's large rack.
Boobs. I love them. Every guy loves them. Bill Clinton loves them. Peyton Manning loves them. Maury Povich loves them. Lesbians love them. The point is that it doesn't matter what kind of a guy you are, but as long as you are straight, you probably love boobs.
So I was thinking about boobs today at work and began to wonder what they really are. I mean, basically they are just two large lumps of fatty tissue attached to a woman's chest. Every other time you find a lump on your body you go see your doctor. Is it just the boobs or is it the lady they are attached to. Obviously, a nice set of jugs won't suddenly make Mother Theresa hot, but I'd probably still sneak a peak if she happened to be wearing a loose fitting shirt. The more I think about boobs now the more I wonder what the most appealing aspect of them is. Anyways, they may just be two large growths protruding out of the chest of a lady, but I still love em'. Boobs. Boobs. Boobs.
certified bloober! It's amazing the things we get paid to talk and discuss at work. :)