Most people that know me already understand my hatred towards Sam Walton's white trash-food-providing company. However, as I was driving home from work today, I had a revelation. It all started when I watched a documentary on how Walmart ruins small towns' economies by making most grocery and specialty stores lose their business. I can't remember the name of it, but if you are unfortunately a Comcast customer like I am, it is available right now on demand. When a Walmart Supercenter is placed in a small town's economy, most of the businesses within the community (with MUCH smaller budgets and buying power) simply cannot compete with Walmart's system of purchasing cheap supplies in bulk. Customers inevitably begin using Walmart for the sake of saving a little cash and the chance to get all of the things you need in one stop, rather than making multiple errands. However, my theory goes one step farther.
As local businesses lose loyal customers and eventually close, it definitely creates a shortage of jobs in the community. And obviously while the town's economy plummits, families are forced to cut corners in order to survive. Sadly, they end up going to Walmart to save money. So not only does Walmart swipe the town's economy out from under its feet, they also benefit even more when these poor members of society are forced to shamefully walk thru its doors in order to save 20 cents on a bag of potato chips or a dollar on dog food. Sadly, if this Walmart Phenomenon doesn't halt (which it won't) America will eventually become a giant nation of slaves, run by Sam Walton.
I know times are tough, but PLEASE, spend the extra 12 cents on that Digiorno's Pizza (And it's not delivery!) or the 2 dollars on a fishing pole and attempt to support your local grocery stores and businesses. Our nation's "White Trash-Level" depends on it.
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