Here is a list of 5 situations that would work horribly for the hippie name game. We’ll just assume that all of these couples share the last name, Jenkins.
1. Dad is in the bathroom taking a dump and Mom is in the kitchen cooking dinner.
Name: Poop Cook Jenkins
2. Dad’s leg is being humped by the dog, while mom is watching a documentary on Asia.
Name: Asian Humper Jenkins

3. Dad is talking to his mother on the phone, while mom is turning on their gas burners in the kitchen.
Name: Mom Gas Jenkins
Ewwwwww……Mom gas sucks.
4. Dad drinking milk and mom is cooking chicken breasts.

5. Dad is scratching his back, while mom is eating a can of mixed nuts.
Name: Scratching Nuts Jenkins
So, please hippie parents to be. Do your future children a huge favor and ditch the “hippie baby name game”. Because one day, cute little Scratching Nuts Jones will be a grown adult and he’s gonna have a hard time getting a job. Or making a friend. Or getting married. Or anything else, except marketing Gold Bond or starring in porn films. Actually, that life doesn’t sound to bad after all……
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